About Time

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Author : Bal Phondke

No. of Pages : 216

Book Category : Non Fiction,Grown Up,Stories,Science,Teenagers,Young Readers,Knowledge

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Time assumes a mystic, surreal character when one realizes that it has no beginning nor end. It is eternal. It flows only in one direction, from the past to the future, though mathematics tells us that there is no earthly reason why it cannot flow in the reverse direction. As if these absurdities were not enough, Albert Einstein queered the pitch by promulgating that time is the fourth dimension in which the Universe exists; that it is inseparable from space. further, there is no absolute time but that it is dependent on the frame of reference of the observer. Perhaps Einstein or Stephen Hawking who dared to write A Brief History of Time can claim to have understood time in its entirety. Mere mortals like us can only make a brave attempt to do so. This is one such attempt.