All Times Childrens Stories Best Loved Stories

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Author : Sunrise Publishers

No. of Pages : 24

Book Category : Kids,Tales,Fairy Tales,Moral,Fiction

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Who has not heard the off-repeated request. "Tell me a Story?" Who has not experience of telling a story to a young listener and watch him hanging on to every word, wide-eyed, spell bound? Who has not watched a child eagerly flip over the pages of a picture book trying to read the story printed along-Side? Here, then come a collection of some of the finest gems that world literature has to offer-gleaning from the Panchatantra, Aesop, the Brother's Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson and others. Warm witty and wide, these stories have been chosen for their unique representation of a vignette of life-sometime the message is all too evident and sometime ever so subtle. Carefully graded with regard to language and concept each story comes with brilliant illustrations. As the children open this treasure trove, their enjoyment and excitement will be evident from their shining eyes and their eagerness to read on further. We hope that these books serve as catalysts in inculcating a love for books in letting children discover for themselves the matchless pleasure.