Random Curiosity

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Author : Yash Pal,Rahul Pal

No. of Pages : 258

Book Category : Kids,Learning,Science,Teenagers,Young Readers,Knowledge,Facts

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Curiosity is the fundamental basis for the process of learning. It helps children to explore, question and often wonder about the world they live in. This book puts together many such questions randomly posted to Prof. Yash Pal, like 'Why does the inner surface of the car windshield get foggy when it is raining outside?'; 'Why do tears taste salty?'; 'What are stem stells?'; 'Has the discovery of quarks challenged the idea of quantization of charge?' and even 'Does God exist?'. Whatever the question, Prof. Yash Pal's answers are always marked by their simplicity, honesty and a gradual unraveling of the scientific basis behind each. Covering a wide array of subjects, this book with about 300 questions arranged randomly, makes an interesting read for all.

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