Tree Tops

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Author : Jim Corbett

No. of Pages : 25

Book Category : Wildlife,Best reading

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This is the last of Jim Corbett's books and the only one not set in India. Written shortly before his death, it is the story of the visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Tree Tops in Nyeri, Kenya, where JIm Corbett was then living. The royal couple spent an afternoon, a night and a morning in their leafy retreat and were entertained by the sight of baboons, warthogs,bushbuck and other animals. During her stay, the Princess became Queen with the death of her father. The descriptive narrative also contains vivid accounts of elephant herds, of a fight between two waterbuck stags, and of a confrontation between two rhinos. "...there is a deep sense of quite in Corbett's recollections. This is manifested in his jungle philosophy. "In nature there is no sorrow, and no repining. ...those that are left rejoice that their time has not come today and have no thought of tomorrow."' -The Sunday Observer '...[Corbett's] stories are gripping without being melodramatic...[they] do not appear worn or dated today. Corbett was an exceptionally good writer, clear and lucid and [his] tales were...extraordinary.' -The Hindu 'Corbett [uses] tremendous narrativre skill when describing the wildlife they saw and the behavior of both the animals and birds and the royal couple on occasion. This short book...remains...of historical interest, as portraying an aspect of colonial life which has since become extinct as some of the wildlife species which figure in the book.' -Amita Malik in 'Talking About Books', All India Radio